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OT: Stupid cheap camera fun

On 5:18:07 pm 02/22/06 "Greg Pallett" <greg.rocco@gmail.com> wrote:
> As far as cheap photography fun goes, I bought myself an Oktomat:
> http://shop.lomography.com/oktomat/
> An Oktomat is part of the school of photography known as lomography -
> inexpensive camera, inexact exposure and focus, shoot naything and
> everything - just shoot.  The oktomat itself takes 8 pictures in
> sequence, over 2 seconds - and then prints them in the space of a
> normal 35mm negative.  The film is handled just ans any normal 35
> film (film?  what's that?)

I don't have an Oktomat, but I have four "toys", the "Quad Cam", it's
actually pretty sophisticated for what it is, lots of options, the "Split
Cam" (it's like $7.00, you shoot the top, then the bottom of the image and
they meld), the "Andy Warhol" camera (four images with different coloured
filters, I haven't used it yet), and the mighty Holga, which actually has
too good a lens in it...and I saw a fisheye toy at the conference last
year, I think I'll grab one of those when I go again this spring. Cheap

The pictures you included below are awesome, maybe we should have a
"overwhelm us with links" online photo show, anything to relieve the late
winter blahs....what a great choice of subject too! But it's fun eh?
> And have used it once... can't wait for brighter days to play with it
> again. <http://photobucket.com/albums/v613/g-rocco/Scirocco%20cruise%2
> 0fall%202005/>
> Some of my Scirocco based Oktomat images can be seen here:
> http://photobucket.com/albums/v613/g-rocco/Scirocco%20cruise%20fall%20
> 2005/

Chuck! Where are you getting film for that Brownie???? :P  (I've got no
aversion to the vintage stuff either, heck, my main camera is a 1978, and I
often shoot with two that are from the 40's). But many are truly falling
into collector only status, as film supplies "get streamlined" or become
extinct. For now, 35mm and 120 looks like it'll be safe.

Oh, and Grant? <http://www.wesjones.com/pinhole.htm> is the more technical
article, and I have a table of (pinholes:distance to paper) that is useful
for figuring out what pin to use. Here's one that shows the rig I used on
my SLR <www.debevec.org/Pinhole>, but my images were much crisper than
those on that site. After processing a second roll, I'd say my lens
equivalent is closer to 50mm with a soft filter, which was exactly not the
point for me, so off to the optics boxes I go tomorrow, in search of that
hemispherical glass. I still miss the distortion of the coffee cans though,
dammit. I seriously need to get a life.
