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non-rocco: This is serious PLEEEEEEASE PLEASE DON'T DELETE (fwd)

I know this is non-rocco, but take 30 seconds to read this.  
From: 	Jessica Nigh
Sent: 	Thursday, November 19, 1998 5:11 PM
To: 	'Bill Campbell'; 'Brian Volk'; 'Joseph Davis'; 'N johnson'; 'Rich Zuk'; 'Sheryl Miller'
Subject: 	FW: This is serious PLEEEEEEASE PLEASE   DON'T DELETE (fwd)

Hello, my name is David "Darren" Bucklew. I live in
Pittsburgh, PA where I attend Bethel Park High School and participate in many sports.  I have severe ostriopliosis of the liver. 
(My liver is extremely inflamed).  Modern Science has yet to find a cure.  Valley Children's hospital has agreed to donate 7 cents to the National Disease Society for every name on this letter. 
Please send it around as much as you can.
Thank you,       

PS: For those of you who don't take 5 minutes to do this, what goes
around comes around. You can help sick people, and it costs you nothing, yet you are too lazy to do it?  You will get what you deserve.
