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Still bored? more forums

OK; I'll get in on this (fair warning, I'm in a weird mood). Most kinda 
obscure... or worse

Daihatsu forum: Gesundheit!

Isuzu forum: also Gesundheit!

Vintage Morgan Owner's Group forum: Goddamn termites ate my frame! Also; got 
a great deal from the local tire shop on a set of four new Goodyears, 
anybody need the extra one?

Amphicar forum: Some punk kid on a JetSki just caught air off my rear 
fender, crashed into the pier and caught on fire. Heh. (pics)

Saab forum: Thanks all on your condolences re: Uncle Olaf. His sacrifice is 
a lesson to us all; electrically heated seats and extra frijoles with your 
Tex-mex dinner is not a healthy combination...

Mary-Kay Kosmetics Kustoms: I just got this car and suddenly my wife's 
looking at me really funny... anybody know where I can get a cheap paint job 
really fast?

VW Cabriolet Club forum: I just got this car and suddenly my wife's looking 
at me really funny... so is my best friend Bruce, who I've known since we 
were both in hair stylist's school...

Lada Owner's forum: Upgrade! Install Marelli electrics instead of that lousy 
russian sh*t.

MG/ Triumph Owner's forum: Upgrade! Install Marelli electrics instead of 
that lousy british sh*t.

Messerschmidt Bubble-car Owner's forum: "Und zere I vuz at 3000 meters ofer 
Normandy; und schome punk kid in ein Lockheed P-38 Lightning strafes mein 
right ving..." (pics, alzo mit hand gestures)

>From: "Jim R" <sciroccos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>To: <julie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,"A Org, Scirocco" <scirocco-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Subject: RE: Bored? better copy
>Date: Tue, 15 May 2007 23:29:04 -0400
>Citroen forum:  Why are they laughing?
>or: Ran out of cardboard for my garage floor.  Please help!
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: julie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:julie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> >Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2007 7:00 PM
> >To: julie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; A Org, Scirocco
> >Subject: Bored? better copy
> >
> >
> >
> >>I was bored today and read a few forums...
> >>What's going on in the car forums?
> >Bentley Forums- - - I used the ash tray today. How do I replace it?
> >Camaro/Firebird Forums- - - My girl slept with my brother and my
> >wife. How can I kill 'em? btw, I have a record and I ain't going back.
> >Mustang (Chevelle) forums- - -Some punk kid in a Civic tried to race me.
> >Monte Carlo forums- - -Why do I keep getting pulled over, it ain't
> >stolen yo.
> >Civic forums- - -Some punk kid in a Mustang tried to race me.
> >VW Bug forum- - - The Save the Earth concert was a success (pics)
> >Yugo Forum- - - When's the last time yours ran?
> >Lamborghini forum- - - Wind noise around 210MPH
> >Miata forums- - - Some redneck jackass in a Chevy Tahoe just ran
> >over my car (pics)
> >Chevy Tahoe forum- - -Miata stuck in my undercarriage. How do I
> >safely remove it? (pics)
> >Pontiac Fiero forum- - - Just bought a new flame retardant suit (pics)
> >BMW 7-series forum- - - Where to get service on my Rolex?
> >Cadillac forum- - - Problems parallel parking at bingo.
> >Chevy Suburban Forum- - - Is the price of gas going down anytime soon?
> >Buick Forum- - - Is Medicare or Medicaid right for me?
> >Delorean forum- - - Just got back from the future and blew a head
> >gasket. Please help. I'm from 1985.
> >Crown Victoria forum- - - How come people never pass me on the highway?
> >Honda Accord forum- - - Mom is giving me the car. Looking for some
> >cheap, used 18 inch rims.
> >Toyota Echo forum- - - Do our cars use AAA or AA's?
> >Ferrari forums- - - Need suggestions about a business trip to
> >Colombia. Want to get in and out fast.
> >Porsche forums- - - Tire just went flat. Is it best to trade or
> >sell the car myself?
> >Saturn forums- - - Roman candle landed on my fender. Melted and
> >need to replace.
> >Jaguar forum- - - Is the carbon fiber dash kit group-buy still on?
> >Mercedes forum- - - My wife and her stink hole lawyer are trying
> >to ruin me in divorce court. How do I get them both killed and not
> >get in trouble with my medical board?
> >Mini forum- - - Just flipped the Cooper after seeing The Italian
> >Job. Suing the movie company. (pics)>
> >Dodge Viper forum- - - I frightened myself on the way home from
> >work yesterday. How to get pee stains out of the leather?
> >McLaren F1 forum- - -Some punk kid in a F16 tried to race me.
> >Dodge Minivan forum- - - Where's the best place to post the soccer
> >schedule so I don't forget where I'm supposed to be?
> >Hummer forum- - - Had a fender bender today. 24 hurt, 10 killed.
> >Do I have to get the black touch-up paint from the dealer? He's 25
> >miles away.That's $35 in gas.
> >Fiat forum- - -Hello? Am I the only member?
> >Subaru WRX forum- - - I hate cops. Got ticketed for drifting in
> >the Walmart parking lot.
> >Chevy pickup forum- - - How do I git the dried tobacco juice
> >stains off the side of mahtruck?
> >SRT Forums"Will this void my warranty"RX7 Forums- - - 13B Group
> >buy full, stop PM'ing me.
> >DSM Forums- - -Transmission Group buy Full stop PM'ing me
> >Supra Forums- - -Head to big to fit in car, should have bought a Targa.
> >Vette Forums- - -Why did I pay $50k for something with a Cavalier
> >steering wheel?
> >Ford 2.3 forums- - -Help! Replaced everything, still doesn't
> >start!VW Scirocco Forums - - - Warranty? What's that!
> >>
> >>_____________________________________________
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