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My Mk1 questions (with pics); your answers

From: "Phil Boeye" <roccophil@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2006 4:51 PM

>I need the rubber piece that has four integrated vacuum rubber sleeves
> on it (pic below).  As well, I'd like to know what it is attached to.
> What is this part of the system?  I am guessing it has to do with
> EGR-related crapola?  Didn't trace it out as I was under the gun to
> get stuff done.
> And, is this part available via 'the man'?
> http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c32/gooddane66/1979%20Scirocco/IDPart.jpg

Ditch it! It's EGR stuff and does little for emissions or anything else.
> Which leads me to ask, what is the deal with the drains under the rain
> tray?  I know where they are in the Mk2, but I don't see such ones in
> the Mk1.  Instead I see rubber booties more towards the raintray (the
> Mk2 are at the edge towards the fender).  So, in this pic on the left
> side, is that the drain boot under the ECU cables?  If so, it was
> kinda boogered up with crap (which might explain the rot inside).  Or
> so I am hoping.
> http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c32/gooddane66/1979%20Scirocco/drainboot.jpg

Yep, those are the rain tray drains on a MK I. Clean'em out.