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My weekend work

On 10:53:40 pm 09/12/05 "Julie Macfarlane" <juliemac57@hotmail.com> wrote:
> First of all. Don't hit cntrl Z. Shit...
> God I hate working on brakes.
Well keep Draco the hell away from my cars!! (shit, he HAS been here...)

So I get the phone call from the daughter. This is after a good run in
Klaus, since I've been doing what ANY self respecting A1 owner SHOULD be
doing, wiring. (It's a lifestyle choice) Specifically the alternator, which
has two red multi-strand wires to it and I could SEE that about ten strands
on each were cut, through the gaping holes in the insulation, So yeah he's
charging now. 
But back to my daughter. So she calls, is it to tell me about her first day
of University?  No, of course not, the Cabby's dead on the road, and she's
calling from a left hand turn lane, sort of hinting that I should hop in
the car, drive 1 1/2 hours, and fix the car. Yeah right. Symptoms? Oh,
lights and guages faded, then the car sputtered and died and wouldn't start
again. Hmm, I've heard of that, WHAT could it be, I wonder?  

Friggin synchronicity again. ...Daun? Plan on a good charging system check
on Gino. He's been roaming in my herd too. (Hopefully mine won't get grease
cooties from him, what a slimeball he is...)

Why do we drive VWs again? Oh yeah, they're not just cars, they're

Done brakes to death, and I'm sure they'll decide they want more now...