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My weekend work

   That's not fair for VWs ... Your daughter is the one who got stranded 
driving it. It would not have sputtered and died otherwise :-)


C Boyko a ?crit :

> But back to my daughter. So she calls, is it to tell me about her first day
> of University?  No, of course not, the Cabby's dead on the road, and she's
> calling from a left hand turn lane, sort of hinting that I should hop in
> the car, drive 1 1/2 hours, and fix the car. Yeah right. Symptoms? Oh,
> lights and guages faded, then the car sputtered and died and wouldn't start
> again. Hmm, I've heard of that, WHAT could it be, I wonder?  

> Why do we drive VWs again? Oh yeah, they're not just cars, they're
> adventures...
> Cathy
> Done brakes to death, and I'm sure they'll decide they want more now...