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the Saga of Shocky Jr - Q about the coil pack retrofit

The pull up resistors were wired into the 4 signal wires going from the 
coil packs to the DTA...not the plug leads.

The stock coil packs that the AWP uses are amplified and require the DTA to 
invert the coil drive signal (this is done through a setting in the DTA 
software).  Since the coil packs are amplified, the circuit is continuously 
on with the exception of when the circuit is actually broken for the 3 ms 
or so to provide the off time that the coils require to recharge for next 
spark.  The pull up resistors are there to pull the voltage up to the 
required 12V on the signal wires.

Just out of curiosity...where did that come from anyway?  Did I recently 
yap about the coil situation?  hehe my memory often fails me...wouldn't be 
surprised if that was the case.

hehehehe..thanks for the nice words...Dan and I have worked really hard on 
this project  : )


At 04:16 AM 10/19/2004, T Berk wrote:

>Oh Kirsten,
>Was wondering why it was necessary to place One Point 'something' K Ohm 
>resistors inline with the plug leads, (did I get that close to right?)
>Yeah, whats up with that?
>Super-duper (butletsnotyetcountourchikensquiteyet) work there by the way, 
>keep em flyin'.