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Well your rental car will be parked near the barn, and we shall proceed to see how fast we can take it apart (tradition) 

Drinks and Sodas are eachs responsabilities as far as I recall
Donations to dauns are always reccomended (you do want to be re-invited next year right ?)

Sit on a rocco, dunno about that (more than likely followed injuries would not be covered by your inssurance) , but standing in with other owners during arial shot, sure plenty of feild space... right by the corner edge by the fence will be fine.. (grin)

Bug Repelant?  hehe depends if they normaly like you or not, I live ona  farm, Horse and deer flies in texas dont give a shit about repelant, they smell the fear and the blood...lol In june OH aint bad, except later during teh night mosquito seem to emerge from some local hidden swap (read lake near daun's house) 

What in the heck is a salty-weasel repelant... man the things they manage to sell to califonia people... like how often do you encounter a weasel in your life and  have you ever licked it to see if it was salty? (Super grin)

Texans are brining the Brisket and BBQ sauce, we ask donations for th meal to be discretly directed to Daun's hands for his hospitality.  We bring the brisket, its paid by members for y'all to enjoy. (and in a attempt to lure more folks to come to cincy ( I want to see 100 Scirocco's  on that lawn damnit !)

 T-minus  22 till the texans ride out !

Yes the brisket is smoked, packed, frozen and ready for the trip.

ATS - Patrick Bureau 

----- Original Message -----
- Should I bring my own cooler of frosties and H2O (I know I owe at least 5-6 
people a beer :)? 
- Will Daun accept donations for his kindness (IIRC, he rents out Port-O-
potties?) and I imagine there's other costs...)
- Can I sit in the Occo during the aerial shoot since I'll be rocco-less? :)
- What's the weather typically like in June there?
- Do I need bug repellent?
- Do I need Salty-weasel repellent?  ;)
- What meals will I need to fend for myself? Will there be the famous Brisket 
this year?

T-minus 23 days!  :)


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