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[OT] My Other DD VW Car - not really ot

T Berk wrote:
> Oh yeah?, I'll see that 95 and raise you a Volvo 122:
> <http://home.earthlink.net/~greg.wong/scd2002/Dsc02234s.jpg>
> Only thing better would be a Wagon.

yer right, those Volvos are pretty stylin'.  I'm sure there's one under 
every third rock you turn over in Cali.  Up here we have to recreate 
them with special rayguns that operate on mounds of rust.

>> You have already earned my respect by using Mozilla Thunderbird.
>> More is unnecessary.  But party on, mon ami.
> Why, TankUBeddieMuch!
> Be excellent to each other.

No kidding.  It's not us or the Pine people who send out the virususes. 
  It's the Outbreak Express bozos.  Look into it, folks.

> Trouble with the Fox is you need to range far and wide for Brazilian 
> stuff and Audi stuff and experiment with Passat stuff and fabricate 
> stuff....

I've got an Audi 5-speed for you!  In other news:
I found a MkII back bumper next to the parental home air conditioner 
unit under a boat bouy today.  It's pebble black and has a (small) stock 
spoiler with it.  The squirrel/nut phenomenon strikes again.

If Jeff manages to drive to Cincy from out of my towns then anyone can 
have anything big that fits in his rental Kia without puking too much 
gear oil or rust for very cheap.

> Yeah, I know. But the point is watercooled boxer motor that eats heads 
> (gaskets) OR an Inline 4 that benefits from all my existing knowledge 
> and gets the job done and is based on an old tractor design.

Look into it:
People have done it all already:  ABA, GTI, TDI, scooby-doo, let UBU!
 From what I see, the I-4s don't give you much other than that familiar 
feeling.  The machine was made for a boxer.  I vote boxer.   Get an 80 
and do hi-po air-cooled if you're in the land of eternal vehiculage.