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Speedvision 'Rocco sighting!!!!

On Mon, 04 Feb 2002 16:20:53 -0600 Nate Mellom <bronson@inwave.com>
>Okay, so I was watching Speedvision this weekend (may have been 
>and I tuned into the SCCA Ron Offs, H-Production taped last summer 
>(early June, if memory serves) at Mid Ohio Sports Car Course.  
>And whilst watching, I happened to see a black (if I remember) Mk1 
>running the course.  I forgot the number, and didn't get the drivers 
>name (he didn't win), but it was SO neat seeing a Roc race!!
>Was it anyone on the list?  Anyone know who it was?

I saw that. There was a green MK-I too. Didn't get either name as they
were WAY back in the pack. Sad really. 

On another related note, I have a rather unique name. Well, its spelled
unique. Unique enough that it gets misspelled quite a bit. So, yesterday
im watching the super bowl. Its in the 3rd quarter. Im bored so I start
flipping back to the Runoffs. I forget what class was running. Spec cars
of some kind. Sort of CART looking. I wasn't paying attention and the
race was boring, no on track action. So they break away from the 1-2-3
boring action to show a red car, #99 pull into the pits. Making small
talk I say to my wife, "hey, there's my number"! (My fav number for
racing.) I hear, much to my amazement "Oh, and it looks like Shawn Meze's
day is over"! 

So Im like, whoa shit! Look at my wife, she gives me the "did you hear
that" look. SoI look to see ....... if... its..... ME! It wasn't. They
show his name and its "Sean Maisey". But he said it exactly like how you
say my name. Even tho it wasn't me, it just might have been the one and
only time my name is said on TV and, its related to racing. :) 

Shawn Méze
86' Jetta GLi 8V     84' Scirocco 8V    88' Corvette -SS 30- 2001 SDR
Solo2 Champion
82' Scirocco GTi -FSP 54-     79' "Project FSP Scirocco"
The Fastest, Quickest, Cleanest and best looking Scirocco(s) in all of
San Diego!

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