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RE: 16V Probs: Valve Train Question!

Hydraulic valve lifters do get worn out, and one time when I was 
replacing the waterpump pulley on my GF's 86 GLI, one just decided to go 
right then. Kinda strange actually, but the car was jacked up for a day 
or so while I hunted down a replacement pulley. The lifter ticked when 
the car was started and it wouldn't go away. I guess maybe all of the 
oil drained out and the air in the lifter prevented oil from 
pressurizing it. That's just a guess, but the problem was fixed by her 
father (this was before I learned all about watercooled VW's). He took 
it to his work (he designs dyno systems) and dissasembled it & filled it 
with oil. I later learned that they are not intended to be dissasembled, 
but oh well, the noise went away, and I've since replaced all the 

Just to show that it's possible to be a worn out lifter. Potterman sells 
them for $10 a piece last I checked. 

could also be an exhaust leak

85 Scirocco

jvmiller wrote:
>Just an Update with the last message I sent about the problems I 
>having (the loud ticking noise).  I've had 2 other people look at 
>(besides myself), and they both think that it sounds like a valve 
>either way out of adjustment or has a stuck spring...
>It doesn't seem like a stuck spring, cause I don't seem to have 
>any power, but as far as I know the 16V Valve's are 
>What's going on here?  Can someone please give me a clue?
>--> Jason "Honda Killer" Miller.
>1987 16V 2.0L Ported, Polished, and Broken. :)
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