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Re: F*#king Theives! [surreal]

So im walking out of the local Ralphs (Grocery store) after being inside
for about 10 minutes. As I get closer to where I parked my car I can feel
that there is something wrong with my car. Something is up and I don't
quite know what it is yet.
Closer I get and I can sense that the wheels are not right. Closer still
and the tires are 195/50's, more like 175/80's. They seem dirty too.
Something is wrong, terribly wrong.
Then it hits me, those are not my 15" EVO wheels, those are steel Toyota
wheels! My Euro Bumpers are gone, as are my euro lights. Closer I get and
more details are comming into light. Damn it, they stole my seats and my
roll bar. The interior is stripped, gone. I don't dare look under the
hood. Im ready to fight, I wasn't instant gratification of knowing the
people who are responsible for this are now dead because of my actions...
im livid! 


<ph>"Is Julie there"?
<ph>"Were you asleep"? 
<ph>"Sorry for waking you".
<me>"No, that s quite OK, I was having a nightmare!! Thank you for
<ph>"Ok then, i'll call back later".

It was only a dream. I hate those kind of dreams but I guess its my
deepest fears being played out in my sleep. Better there than in real
life. I feel..............lucky somehow.
Anyways. I wonder if this was the first Scirocco related post that was
based on a dream? Scary.
Need coffee...

              Shawn Meze
86' Jetta GLi           82' Scirocco GTi
The Fastest, Quickest, Cleanest and
best looking Scirocco in all of San Diego!

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