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Re: Connect SCSI prph's to G3 IDE drive?

On 8/8/98 at 12:26 PM -0700, S. McStravick said to Kreme and others:
> I am considering buying a desktop G3 with an IDE drive and
> internal Zip. I have several postscript printers and a
> scanner to attach to it. I have three questions:
> 1. I'm a little confused about these IDE drives. I hear they
> are generally slower, but the G3 IDE is still faster than my
> current 100mhz 7500 SCSI drive. Is that true?

I doubt if you will find the G3 IDE to be faster in normal use that your
SCSI drive.

> 2. Also, may I attach my 1 SCSI cable scanner to the IDE
> without problems?

No.  You can't connect a SCSI device to an IDE bus.  You seem to be
confused about what exactly is going on.  Any Mac (with the exception of
the upcoming iMac) has a SCSI bus.  Most newer Macs also have an IDE bus.
And never the twain shall meet.  These are completely independent of each
other.  Your SCSI devices have nothing to do with your IDE drive.  You can
take out the IDE drive(s) in your G3 Mac and it will function just fine (if
not a tad bit faster).

> 3. May I Appletalk or Ethernet (?) my current 7500 SCSI Mac
> to the G3 IDE so they can share the same printers and/or
> access each other's drives? I will have two printers
> connected via the G3 printer port to a Belkin switch box.

They're Macs.  They were built to network.  Of course.  It maight take some
work, depending on the printers, but it can be done.

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