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This just in...military

After spending only four years in the military (decades ago), I sometimes experience nightmares...literally...about having to go back in.  Don't get me wrong; those four years were the most care-free of my life, with challenges aplenty (both in my job and in circumventing the military rules/regulations), but I'd never, ever, EVAR consider re-upping.  
  (As my old Shop Chief said, at my last annual re-enlistment interview, " SSgt. Fry, you just aren't suitable military material."   :)   He was SO right. )

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Allyn 
  To: 'Chris Bennett' ; 'Scirocco List' 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2006 5:11 AM
  Subject: RE: This just in...

  > Also they have recently assimilated Writely.com.  Resistance 
  > is futile.

  I, for one, welcome our new Google overlords. 

  > I am serious about going back in the military.  I have this 
  > feeling like I am waiting for something to happen like a 
  > frackin' meteor to land on me or someone to run a red and 
  > smear me or... I don't know.
  > Frack.  I want to feel like I am making a difference.

  I know the feeling, but go back? Are you fracking crazy?  I've spent the last year seeing the unbelievably shitty side of the


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