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Remember My Cincy 2006 Return Trip - Here's The Finale, Or Conclusion

Thanks Chuck!

Peter - happier than a pig in mud!

-----Original Message-----
From: Chuck Blue [mailto:sukchew@cox.net] 
Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2006 1:09 PM
To: peter; scirocco-l@scirocco.org
Subject: Re: Remember My Cincy 2006 Return Trip - Here's The Finale,Or

Peter, I'm glad everything work out.
ole blue
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "peter" <peter@thescirocco.com>
To: <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
Sent: Friday, August 11, 2006 11:04 PM
Subject: Remember My Cincy 2006 Return Trip - Here's The Finale,Or 

>I got back from my trial in Newark Ohio a few hours ago.
> The prosecutor was really cool, and he told me, that he worked for the 
> city,
> and not the court.
> He also informed me, that Licking County is the only place where they will
> not plea bargain with you.
> Plea bargain, as far as traffic tickets go are there to lessen the no. of
> trials, and it saves everyone involved, the cop wouldn't have to show, if 
> it
> was arranged at the arraignment, and the court doesn't get tied up with
> frivolous jury trials for traffic tickets.
> The bailiff escorted me into the court room, asked me if I was ready for
> trial, I said yes and sat down.
> A few minutes later the prosecutor comes in and tells me, that the Highway
> Patrolman forgot to inform the court, that he was going to be on vacation
> this week, so the court didn't know to continue it, and all charges were
> immediately dropped.
> The scary thing is that I had my dad fax a request for continuance, to 
> Judge
> Higgins, due to the typo on my public defender request form, which made me
> in-eligible for a public defender. The ironic thing is that when I called 
> my
> dad for help, from Licking County Jail, he didn't want to help me get out 
> of
> jail, but he easily faxed the continuance request, which un-knowingly
> could've potentially have really screwed me over, allowing the court to
> continue the case. If Judge Higgins, had done the right thing, and 
> approved
> my request for continuance, I would have had to pay for all the tickets,
> except for the "expired license", since I got it that re-instated.
> If a court tries to say that they are going to re-schedule the court date,
> on the date of the trial, all you have to say is, that you are ready for
> trial today, and it would be a great financial burden on you to have to 
> come
> back for a 2nd trial. ;)
> The east-bound PA turnpike was closed down today, when I went to take that
> as a detour.
> I pulled into Somerton, PA and see a really clean red SLC, parked across 
> the
> street from the AAA. I parked around the corner from the SLC/AAA, a girl
> walking by my Rabbit GTI was checking out, I didn't think much of it, and
> ran by her to the AAA. I asked the AAA clerk if the red car usually parked
> there, and she didn't know. Then she tells me there she is now, so I 
> thanked
> them for the maps, and stopped by to talk to her, and it was the same 
> girl.
> Anyway, it's nice for it to be over, and saving a couple of grand doesn't
> hurt.
> Peter - safe @ home, no sleep since Thursday morning & my Rabbit GTI
> survived another roundtrip to Ohio.
> -----Original Message In Case You Missed It, Or Don't Remember-----
> From: Peter
> t: Wednesday, June 07, 2006 4:43 AM
> To: 'John C. Worden'; scirocco-l@scirocco.org
> Cc: 'Marc Getty'
> Subject: RE: We made it home form Cincy and thanks.
> It was great seeing EVERYONE again!
> It started out as me catching up to the first Scirocco convoy.
> And it ended up with me getting arrested, because my license had expired 
> 30
> days ago, without me noticing it.
> The Highway Patrol was dispatched, and I was clocked at 110MPH.
> After spending 12 hours in Licking County Jail in Newark Ohio, my good
> friend Marc Getty posted the $10,000 bail, and I was released around 2AM
> Monday morning.
> Marc picked me up at Licking County Jail, and dropped me off at my house 
> in
> Delaware.
> Thanks again Marc, I really appreciate having friends, that I can count 
> on.
> It's now 4AM Wednesday, Kevin and I, just came back from Licking County,
> after getting arraigned today at 12:45.
> We set out at 2AM on Tuesday morning, driving my '83 Pickup to Newark 
> Ohio.
> At ~6AM the Pickup suddenly stopped running, so I coasted off US 68, into
> the friendlies town in Maryland, Cumberland.
> Kevin and I were taken back, because everyone, that we came across in this
> town, were extremely nice. After some research at the corner store, we
> trekked ~10 miles north to an Enterprise Car Rental, on the other side of
> town. We got there before they opened, and they didn't even have cars for
> customers reservations. I called Hertz, which was located in a Citgo, a
> stones throws from my Pickup, and Enterprise was nice enough to drive us
> there. The unlimited car rental was only $42 for the day, and I made it to
> court in Ohio, with 15 minutes to spare.
> We went to the Highway Patrol, and got a release ticket for my Rabbit GTI,
> the one with a Golden Finch in the grill.
> Kevin and I got back with it at 3AM, after having the Pickup towed home 
> 210
> miles, w/Premier AAA.
> Thanks to Daun and Brad for organizing CINCY2006, and for our little
> contingency plan, for getting my Rabbit GTI back, from the Newark-Heath
> Airport.
> Luckily that wasn't needed, but it was great for Daun to offer to fly in,
> and drive my Rabbit GTI back to Wilmington OH.
> Thanks,
> Peter
> http://thescirocco.com/
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