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Re: [Scirocco-l] Installing a High Torque Starter

My current starter was bad.  I bought the High Torque because I am
having trouble turning over the engine when hot and it is drawing like
400 amps when it tries so based on several peoples advice it was time
to replace the starter.

I already have the starter so if someone could explain to me how to
get it hooked up that would be great.  What do I do about the wires
that used to be connected to the terminal 15????    Do I just leave
them hanging?  and just connect the terminal 50 wire???   Please some
must have done this before.

On Wed, 30 Mar 2005 20:14:47 -0800, Gordon Forbess
<gforbess@attglobal.net> wrote:
On Wed, 30 Mar 2005 21:12:50 -0600, Don Walter <dswalterwi@gmail.com>

>So on the reccomendation of the List I purchased a High Torque Starter
>from Adirondack.  Nice and Shiney.  I have one question: My old
>starter had two spade connectors terminal 15 and terminal 50  the new
>one only has the terminal 50   How do I hook this one up to work and
>what is the terminal 15 for?  The terminal 15 has two Red wires to it
>and the terminal 50 has one larger fatter wire to it.

Why made you decide you needed a "high torque" starter?   Does a
standard starter spin your flywheel too slowly or bog down?  What is
your timing set at?  What's your c/r?

75 Scirocco/Drake 1.9 8V

Don Walter - Waukesha, WI
1986 1.8 16V Black Scirocco (see progress at
1986 2L 16V Toronado Red Scirocco (under repair)
1988 1.8 16V Toronado Red Scirocco (sold on 3/29/04)
1984 1.8 8V Pewter Scirocco (sold years ago)
1971 Karman Ghia (sold)
1969 Karman Ghia (sold)
1969 Beetle (sold)

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