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[SPAM] RE: That Scirocco feeling wuz Julie's

As for what to tell your friends when they dis your passion? Ask them what
they get passionate about, clothes? Dolls? Food? Yea it's just like that
with a car. My girlfriend doesn't understand it either, so what.

And I don't get what makes you crazy about your girlfriend, do I? But I
don't dis you about it. I don't think real friends dis each other about
their passions. Passions have nothing at all to do with rational
processes, that's the point. The fact that we have an affordable passion
is a bonus, and I've always been delighted that these cars are not
overvalued. This time of year I begin to wonder what the big deal is,
(like, am I really crazy?) but soon the roads will be clear, I'll fire up
that wonderful screamer of an engine, and I'll know. The first curve will
confirm it once again.

They are just cars. And the rest of the world will view them as that. For
us, there'd be a huge hole in our lives without them. We'd probably have
some obscure, moody breed of horse had we lived 200 years ago, and be
performance tuning their shoes.

I'd question those who talk about return for investment...if personal
enjoyment isn't the return, what's the point? My cousin restored an old
Vette, and never drove it in case he'd scratch it, until he sold it. Was
he happier than we are? Not a chance.

Rocc on....

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