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Synchronicity still sucks (OT I guess)

On 12:22:57 am 08/02/05 Mike Smith <smithma7@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think you're on crack!  It's a great album!!!

It was not a musical reference. (And I stand by the comment, but do like
the Police. Not always the police though)
> I mean, how many cool 80's rock songs are there that kind of refer to
> Nessie?!?

Not to mention the hellish dysfunctionality of life.

> Now, I love Rush as well, and if you don't take back that subject
> line, I might have to start talking smack about (my fav) your
> Cananadian band!

Fine, no rare Can_(no an)_adian only Rocco tidbits for you then. But I do
have a nice pair of "rare, experienced, Canadian edition" Kuhmo 712s you
might be interested in. If you plan to dis Rush, may as well insult our
beer too. We Canadians, of course, will just laugh at you. Foolish
Americans. I suppose you stole that Quebecker's cheese too...all 1000 lbs
of it.

> Hi!  I've been drinking.

