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Water pump....questions

--- L F <rocco16v@netzero.net> wrote:
> You will not gain hp.  It still takes x amount of hp to drive a pump, whether it comes from the
> engine directly (via a belt) or indirectly via the alternator. An electric pump will just take
> more hp to drive the alternator. 

Yes...BUT...no highly restrictive thermostat...flow optimized on a need basis vs. just slinging
the impeller directly prop. to RPM, with attendant drag...different impeller design provides
opportunity for higher effieciency, since bypass (read: inefficiency) is not necessarily built
into the pump, as it is on our mechanical ones...methinks there are indeed gains (this off the top
of my bald head)...add to that slightly less rotating mass.  I want one!  Scotty, do a group

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