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does a 16v lower stress bar fit an 8v?

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you can fit it, but the 16v has 2 holes for all the bolts to fit in that you will not have on the 8v... Got a Drill? (grin)

ATS - Patrick Bureau
1985 8v Euro GTX 3A/JH Project
1985 8v Euro GT Project (Daily Drive)

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From: Robbie Cotner <robw_z@yahoo.com>
Subject: does a 16v lower stress bar fit an 8v?
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Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2002 23:04:03 -0700 (PDT)

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Does a 16v factory lower stress bar bolt into 8v's, specifically my '83?  Also, are they comparable to aftermarket lower stress bars?



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<P>Does a 16v factory lower stress bar bolt into 8v's, specifically my '83?&nbsp; Also, are they comparable to aftermarket lower stress bars?</P>
<P>Rob</P><p><br><hr size=1>Do you Yahoo!?<br>
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