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Scirocco 16v roll cage manufacture ??

Hey fellow Scirocco Lovers,
     I am pretty much done with performance and handling on the car but since
installing a Hard Dog roll bar on my Miata I decided it would be a good safety
measure for my 16v.  Does anyone know of a manufacture who makes them for my
car. I figure I'll have to remove the back seat and weld some but the added
safety at 125 mph would me worth the added weight and hassle. Kinda love to
speed but don't want to end up dead. Yea, I kinda like hitting 125 cause it
comes up darn fast on the speedo. If everyone else is traveling at 85 to 90 you
have to hit those speeds to pass safely. If you're wondering why I need to pass
someone doing 85 to 90 then I guess you need to join another internet car group,
like maybe the Saturn club or the SUV family haulers club. Heard they offer free
" My child is an Honor student" bumper stickers for all those interested.
Guess I'm just another 16v junky.

I learned the joy of a light car with a high revving twin-cam engine and have
never gone back.

Ron Mathews
New Freedom, PA

1987 Red 16v Scirocco
1996 Miata Roadster ( MX-5)
1969 F250 Ford Truck (antique)