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HP at which a 4k is too low gearing?

On Sun, 17 Feb 2002, Dan Bubb wrote:

> So, what EFI are you getting?? I'm curious, because now that I have the
> Haltech, I have some definite opinions about this.

I'm going with the do it yourself option... A megasquirt kit.

I can build it myself
batch fire just like SMS & most programmables.
high speed processor capable of 18k rpm+
Open source hardware. (build your own, modify it & make it different)
open source software. (change sensors, lookup tables, routines etc.)

no one to yell at if it fails
Doesn't do ignition
as yet semi unproven (currently running 2 vehicles.)

So, i trust the guys that designed it know what they are doing & figured
i'm mainly avoiding the "we're smart & figured out something you can't so
we are going to rape you for it" r&d surcharge on commercial units. 
$100-200 worth of hardware, $700-1500 worth of r&d/software markup
on a given unit. These companies did the work and deserve what the market
will  bear for their trouble, but i think i can do more or less the same
thing cheaper due to generous experts in the open source area.

In MHO, at this time its a relatively unproven system, so I am
gambling & taking a chance, but i feel its a decent bet due to the
experience of the designers. Kits have now shipped, so soon there will be
more cars with it installed. time will tell.

take care,


P.S. for more info: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/megasquirt/ I am the
voluntary list admin, and not directly involved in the project.

             Fashion Twins, activate! form of: a lemming.          