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16V alternator question again HELP !

I hate to bring this up again but I need some more feedback.  I have a 16v
engine that had originally come with A/C and PS as well.  All 3 (alt too)
hanging off of the same big A$$ iron bracket.  I removed the A/C and
relocated the Alt to the midle station.  Now I am replacing the Alternator
and I am so screwed up about what I need to tell the parts places that I
need.  When I go to NAPA they bring out the alt w/ the long "tube" type of
lower mount.  I have the "2 ears" type of llower mount.  So I go to BowWow
and they bring out the "2 ears" type.  Right On !  but $220 w/ exchg for the
Bosch  Ouch.  So then I see one offered on Ebay item 1851766013.  Claims out
of a 16v sciroco.  But he writes me back and says it has theh "tube" type of
lower mout.  WTH(eck) !?!  Can a couple guys look at thier 16v roc or swear
from memory which they have?  I am about the but the "2 ear" one at BowWow
and be done w/ it.  CRAP this is tormenting me !
Thanks as allways.
Follow up Questions.   what is the determining factor of the different type
of lower mount.  Early this week a couple guys said "tube=8v"  ears = 16v.
well then NAPA AND the ebay are wrong.  >: /
Is w/ or w/o AC the factor?  Cause then there would not be that big iron 3
station bracket and instead the other type of small bracket that accepts the
"tube" style would be on there instead.  Like on my old MK1.
Just tying to validate my gut feeling.
Thanks as allways