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shipping ?

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At 04:11 AM 4/13/02 -0400, brett cooke wrote:

>anyone ever shipped a fender before? what kind of box did you use to ship 
>it? how much did it cost? tia.
>   hit

I got one a few years ago.  They taped some cardboard around all edges, to 
protect them and handlers, and
that was it.  The rest of the fender was totally exposed and it arrived 
without a scratch.  I think they sent it
like that so that anyone who handled it would see what it was and not being 
in a box made it hard to set things
on top of it.

John C. Worden
Bucksport, Maine

'98 Dakota 4x4-Just rolled 100K
'86 Scirocco 8V-
'81 Scirocco 2.0 16V -
'78 Scirocco Brazil Brown Metallic,  4 speed.
