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NO More Gas Discussion.

Well after receving the 15th letter talking about SUV/ Gas Prices, and I dont know... it kinda makes me wonder... I sure as hell thought that I was subscribed to a Scirocco mailing list which dealt with topics dealing to Scirocco related material.  I realize that Sciroccos do run on gasoline,   however, it is not necceary to organize a gas protest letter through this mailing list due to the fact that Scirocco owners are not that numerous and Sciroccos dont use that much fuel to begin with, so this protest letter would be ineffective.  I also beleive that writing about SUVs through this mailing list is completely un neccesary and a waste of bandwith.  As long as you are happy let other people drive what they want cause its really no one elses buisness, except the driver of the vehicle.  Discussing saftery issues and gas consumption of these vehicles is comepletly unrealted to a Scirocco, am i correct?  So to conclude i just hope that i can once again get messages from the mailing list on how to improve and maintain my Sciroccos overall state.
   Chino Gonzalez
   1987 Scirocco 16V
   17yrs old (hell im a teenager maybe i dont know anything)