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Re: Rocco leak Wet Seat belt .help!

Have you tried sitting in the backseat with the hatch cover out while
someone is spraying the car with a fire hose (or taking it through the

I would think that you'd notice evidence of water entry under these
circumstances, hopefully helping to pinpoint the source of the leaks.


On Wed, 16 Feb 2000 Captnbr@aol.com wrote:

> In a message dated 2/16/00 7:04:56 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
> drew@dyermaker.cs.uoguelph.ca writes:
> <<  All the standard VW leak sources seem to apply to Sciroccos
>  (I expect that living in a wet climate would tend to aggravate these: ) >>
> Wow, all you guys without leaks are lucky.  Must be these Torrential, 
> monsonal Thunderstorms we get down here in south FLA.  
> My spare tire well, gets wet (i have my speaker box wrapped in plastic).  But 
> worst is the rear passenger foot wells that will get soaked. And I have tried 
> everything to fix it to no avail.
> Brian 86 16v
> http://hometown.aol.com/captnbr/myhomepage/auto.html
> --
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Drew MacPherson, Network Analyst, University of Guelph

drew@dyermaker.cs.uoguelph.ca           |  visit the Massey-Harris page:
http://dyermaker.cs.uoguelph.ca/~drew   |  http://m-h.cs.uoguelph.ca

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