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turn signal tech

hey class, i've got a lesson for all of you today.  some of you
probably already know it, but that doesn't matter, cuz i already knew
this stuff, and it still caused me a whole whack of aggrivation.

problem: let's say that you've been messing around with your turn
signals or something.  you install everything, and all seems well,
except for the fact that the signal(s) blink on and off a little dimly
and/or quickly.  

culprit: possibly a corroded lightbulb or socket.  

solution: clean the socket out as best you can, and if cleaning the bulb
doesn't net you any changes, replace it.


problem: you're messing around with a bunch of loose wires and you hear
a little "pop".  you think that everything is alright cuz, well,
everything seems to be working.  you forget about it and then later on
you notice that your turn signal indicator is glowing faintly.  when you
use the turn signal switch, you make the light brighter, but nothing
happens to the indictors outside of the car.

culprit: blown fuse.  plain and simple.

solution: even tho you've checked the fuses, check them all again.  find
the blown fuse and replace it.

	and that's my lesson for today.  good day.

the mad bastard

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