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RE: [Euro Lights][Wiring]

Sorry Andre... I gotta agree with Gordon's reason a little more than yours.
although there is more surface area.. there isn't any reason why electrons
would flow better on the surface of a wire than through the core.. or you
could argue hole flow... whichever is your preferred theory.  solid core
wire is a better conductor..but multistranded wire flexes better.  I'd
use a multistrand for this application because of the likelyhood that the
wires would be flexed a bit when changing bulbs and stuff like that.

but for the sake of argument.. we all came up with the same ending...
multistranded! heee

I like third gear by the way.. its fun.. I wish my car would pull as hard
in fifth as it does in third.


-----Original Message-----
From: Majordomo [mailto:majord@neubayern.net]On Behalf Of Andre'
Sent: Sunday, June 13, 1999 11:26 AM
To: Scirocco List
Subject: Re: [Euro Lights][Wiring]

Tyler Zachau wrote:
> I am getting ready to install my new Euro lights and was just wondering
> about what kind of wire to use for it. I was planning on using 10 guage
> wire, but should I use multi-strand wire (like the stuff used for car
> stereos) or like wire that consists of one big phat copper wire (for like
> home electrical wiring)?

   Use multistranded.  It can handle more current (more surface area on
stranded vs solid for the electrons to flow) than the solid wire.  As
for 10 guage wire, I personally think that is overkill, but if you are
using a single wire to power all the lights (for the relays I mean) then
10 guage might be appropriate.  I used 4 seperate power wires for my 4
relays, and in my setup I think I actually used 14 guage wire.  I found
that 12 guage wire wouldnt fit into the stock White headlight plug that
I had.  Plus, 14 guage wire can handle at least 20 amps for the short
pieces I used, in fact I think I could probably put 30amps through them
without hardly any loses.  Goto you local hardware store and pick up a
reference guide cuz it will probably list automotive wire guages and the
max current you can run through them.  Just remember to try to keep your
wires as short as possible to minimize voltage drop.


 Lime Green 79 Scirocco w/480watts on highbeam ©
 ICQ #266870

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