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Scirocco die-casts on eBay

Someone is auctioning off 5 Scirocco die-casts on eBay.  Here is the

"Pilen, quality l/43rd scale 3 l/2" long, #5ll VW Scirocco in a silver
green color, 2dr hatch, Scirocco embossed on
       rear,opening doors,black tires and silver hubs. New in a plastic
container that may have minor shopwear..nobody
       collects clear plastic Pilen containers, but their cars are nice and
protected. Will have 5 cars available on ebay..as I
       sold out on them twice before and didn't see any more for months.
Probably produced in l970s-l980 period.
       Remember l car per auction and you are welcome to bid on all my
auctions! Good luck this time."

Sounds like Mk.1's but besides the description above, I have no idea what
these are like.

Go to the following eBay search function and use "scirocco" for the search
word:  http://pages.ebay.com/aw/search.html

There are also Hayne's manuals and a 1983 Scirocco ad up for bidding.  Hope
I don't get outbid but I'd be remiss if I didn't notify the list.  As of
now, two of the cars have no bids on them yet with the minimum bid being
$14.99  Hurry though, the auction for the toys ends today (Sunday the 17th)
at 19:25, Pacific standard time.  benton-----

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