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Fwd: [16v] 0.75 5th Gear - DONE (very long)

>Hey gang,
>	Well, nothing's perfect... Don't get me wrong.. I wouldn't hesitate 
for a
>second to get rid of that blasted 0.91.  But, at least for a stock 1.8 
>the 0.75 is a little too much of a drop from 4th.  As all of you with 
>16vs, know, the car has a flat spot off idle that lasts until about
>2000rpm.  (Yep, it's called a "flat spot off idle", not a "horrible 
>torque" like the 8v guys call it, cause it only lasts until 2k)

***My policy has always been to never let the RPMs get below 2K (except 
for 1st, of course). Keep the engine in the power band I say.

 You could
>run up the side of Mt Everest at 35mph (60km/h) in 5th with the 0.91 at
>2000rpm--- but try it any lower, and the car would just hate you.  

**this is true of just about any VW 4 cyl I have ever driven.


>	Using a 0.80, however, would only bring down the minimum 5th gear 
>speed of about 45mph to about 42mph... An extra 3mph of low-end 
>ability wouldn't be worth 250rpm more on the highway, in my opinion.  
>spoken with a few people who had the 0.80 and they agreed that they 
>longed for a longer 5th gear... and while noone with a 0.71 has 
>to me that it's too long on the highway, noone I spoke with has one 
>to a close-ratio tranny with the short 4th... and I think it's safe to 
>that the drop would be too large.

**your verdict, which is fine. I look at fifth as overdrive. 1-4 for 
acceleration and in town. That's me. It'll be .71 for me.

>	Therefore, I conclude that the 0.75 is the best compromise for a 5th 
> Passing power above 75mph in 5th is still immense, and there's always 
>gear for those serious times.  The car is smoother, quieter, and more
>comfortable on the highway.
Thanks a bunch for posting this Jason. Can you give the name of the guy 
that did the job (and the price?)?

Did you get the rivets replaced on the tranny?

Mark Peele
1981 Scirocco S
1982 Scirocco
1987 Golf GT (4000@ 75mpg - ugh!)

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