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'86 8v Enging Upgrade - Suggestions?

  i'm looking to upgrade my stock 8v to something a little more
powerful. i'm at 190k now and the car runs fine but i want to beef it up
a little bit. i've been told to look for a 16v 2.0l and they aren't too
hard to find. i'm looking to find the best speed/acceleration that i can
use with my stock transmission. i'm also looking for the best
speed/acceleration with a modified trans (possibly 6-speed). being on a
budget, i would like to have to make as little modifications as possible
(same drive axle, etc.) but a little creativeness would be minded.
(let's stick with stock engines and then maybe branch this into turbos,
etc. later, if possible.) thanx.
 /\_/\	  Foxx (in a box)
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