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On Tue, 6 Apr 1999 12:28:53 -0700 Brian Honnold <bhonnold@pac-cap.com> wrote:

>Well, Alex and I have almost all the usable parts off the 16V donor car and
>now we need to get rid of the shell.
>Alex wants to cut it into a few peices and haul it to the dump and I want
>to drag it over to the Sams club parking lot and set it on
>fire......neither one of us holds title to it so who really cares if we
>flame it.
>anyone have an idea on how to properly dispose of the shell????
>Brian Honnold
>'78 Rocco Ragtop
>'99 Passat GLX

Well, my neighbor put a new body on his Dodge Ram, and simply hacked the
old one up into bite-sized morsels with an air chisel, and THREW IT OUT
WITH THE TRASH!  They TOOK it, too, which is what amazed me, and is what
I'm gonna do with my donor once the organ harvest is complete.

| Jim Jarrett,CCP                                                   |
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