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Re: Aftermarket Electronic Ignition

> > On Mon, 29 Sep 1997 14:32:41 -0400 mark.peele@juno.com (Mark A. Peele)
> > writes:
> > >
> > >Now, my girlfriend Kristen has a 1978, and I want to convert it to 
> > >electronic ignition. Can anyone recommend a good, reasonably priced, 
> > >aftermarket kit to accomplish this?
> > > . . . Mark
> Hmm.  Have you ever heard of Allison (SP?) they make a breakerless optical 
> ignition system for VW's that is very very accurate.  I'm not sure, but I think 
> they're not too expensive. (50 bucks??)
> Here's what's listed in the Volkswagen W/C performance handboo:
> Allison Ignition
> 1613 Flower Avenue
> Duarte, CA 91010
> Chad Ptasinski

I've personally used the Allison breakerless optical ignition in a 1980 'S'
a while back.  It worked really really well and I never had a problem with
the car that could be attributed to the ignition.  I would recommend it.

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