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(With random snippage)

At 02:52 AM 7/6/97 -0500, Shawn C. Meze wrote:
>At 06:05 PM 7/5/97, you wrote:
>>Don't worry Shawn, due to the camaraderie on this list I'm sure everybody
>>will send you a few bucks for what you saved them.  (Maybe you'll have
>>enough for a cup of coffee!)
>Heh-heh!! OK, Sure!  :)

5,000 list members sent me private email saying they each had sent you $5,
followed by the reassurance that "the check is in the mail".  You'll be rich!

>Ya, technology is great! We can put a robot on Mars, but we cant invent an 
>affordable ingition system that gives power, actually works AND is street 
>legal! Thats just great. Dandy. Fine.  :)

(I'm getting my flame suit on now) Not to over simplify ignition systems,
but of all the things an engine does, creating a spark may be so relatively
simple that, in a stock or near stock engine, there is not much improvement
to be made.  That is, we may be at about 99% efficiency, so any improvement
may be minimal.  (For instance a 300 Mz CPU with 128 MB of RAM may make
your DOS word processor faster than your 233 Mz CPU with 64 MB of RAM, but
what have you really gained?)

>I dont know why it is we 
>always listen to the jerks selling crap and believe that the snake oil 
>they're selling will work. 

Caus we want to believe.

>I mean, who is it telling me a 1-2hp gain? NOLOGY 
>is! There has been nobody to tell us that the system works or not. 

Nuff said.

>Something that is also attractive about the Nology system is that it 
>soposedly adds power (Which we all know it doesnt) while retaining the stock 
>ignition system. Nothing to wire in, nothing to cut, and best of all, there
> is no way to accidentally fry the system. 

That does make it attrative.  Kind of like the weight loss device that is a
leather belt that goes around the waist and a motor jiggles your fat,
supposedly jiggles it off.  "Ah, I can lose weight with out doing any
work!"  We've all seen the ads on TV.

>What, "single dyno test is not always conclusive"? There was 2 different
>tests performed on 2 different engines. 

I was thinking in terms of things like medical tests.  Ie, a specific
methodology or protocol with 134 people in one test, 345 in another and
1,009 in a third.  Compare the results and analyze.

>>Also, people have to keep in
>>mind what a dyno test actually shows (ie, measures).  Two engines with the
>>same hp and torque, and even the same curves may not be the same.  Some
>>engines just seem to "windup" faster under accelleration, so track testing
>>may show different results.  
>>Again, I think your results were probably correct.
>Well, we did get different graph trackings. I have more torque than I do HP 
>in my car. The power peaks at different locations than do on Mikes chart. (I 
>have both charts scanned if you would like to see them.) What we measured
>peak HP and peak torque. The actual curves made no difference. 
>lemme know if you would like to see the dyno graphs, id be happy to send
>to you! 

Send the graphs!  (Oh yes and let us know the format.)


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