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Re: Suspension questions (Thanks)

>Its better to have your body in the driver seat while the alignment is going
>on. Try to get somebody that is the same weight as you to sit in the car
>your doing the alignment. It makes quite a bit of difference in the setup
>your actually driving the car. Having a "perfect" alignment parked doesnt do
>any bit of good.

Yeah, but the difference is not that big - I was getting in and out of my
car last time (yesterday) to see the difference - it toed in a smidge, went
.1-2 negative.  Not *that* much, most of my alignments last season were on
an empty driver's seat, all my tools in the back.  Shrug, it went OK that
way.  I took the tools out, spare, sat in the seat, etc this time - drained
my windshield washer, had about the same fuel level as a typical race day -
did everything.  We'll see if I can tell, I don't think I'm that refined.
Maybe I'll be a lot faster, we'll see this weekend!

>>> What's this about stock upside down bars again?
>>Take your 25mm bar off, lay the stock bar on upside down, on top of the
>>axle beam, drill two holes for the brackets on the axle beam, mount stock
>>bar upside down on top, then reinstall the 25mm rear bar.  Works great.
>Hmm, I hadnt thought about that. Thanks for the insight. IS this what you've
>got on your GTi?? (I never got a chance to climb under your GTi when I was

No, I have an "OPM" style bar bolted to the axle beam.  I made it.  1"
square steel with angle iron on the ends, drilled some holes, did a bit of
welding, voila.  Easy, and it made a huge difference.  I like the 16v
upside down bar idea, though.  It is clean, it works, etc.  Cool.  A guy in
New Mexico turned me on to that one, his Rabbit is QUICK, but mainly
because he is a good driver - we sat our cars side by side, I compared -
mine is "faster" than his, I have more cool stuff on mine, but he smokes
(smoked? dunno, have not seen him for almost a year) DSP around here.  His
car is the cheapest fast Rabbit I have ever seen - all sorts of cool
non-aftermarket stuff on it that he got out of junkyards - he just has
figured out what he "needs," what car that came on, and made it fit.  Cool

>>Like Shawn said, I have the 40% kit -

>Give him time, once Mr. Quaife figures out how to drive with the new diff,
>watch out! It does make a big difference to the right driver.

He got it last June.  July?  Dunno, but before Denver's 96 tour, mid
August.  July, I guess.  He's had his chance to figure it out.  Must be the
wrong driver;).  His wife gets me every now and then, though.  She's quick.
I'm not afeared of him anymore (or his wife, when she beats me, I am not
concentrating - she's not beaten me recently when I thought I was driving
well).  I'd like a Quaife.  Someday.  I'm not convinced they're all that
cool, though.  Not a whole lot better than the 40% kit, and for Solo, I
think the 80% kit is 95% of a Quaife - I've driven the Quaife car, driven
mine - there is a difference, but nowhere near as big as I'd have guessed.
I was pleasantly surprised. Anyhow....


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