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Re: Euro brake lights

I had to remove the light housing because....
1> i dont have an x-acto knife
2> i don't have a cordless drill
2> i dont have a 100ft extension cable to reach out to my parking

...so took it inside and drilled it out there. and damn it's soo
bright, its nice =]

ok now..heres a question..has anyone flush mounted their licence
plate lights? A neon licence plate outline wont fit, or at least
the ones I have wont fit, unless i submerse the lights into the
hatch.  My only solution so far is to easily screw the metal brace in the 
back, get a shorter bulb, and cut some plexi to cover the opening...
anyone done this yet?


|Ryan Schuermann			       ryan@nwpros.com|
|Technical Analyst			      zqft01@amoco.com|
|PARANET, Inc.				schuermann@paranet.com|
|Pager:713-764-3467			http://www.paranet.com|			
|Work:713-626-4800		   http://www.nwpros.com/~ryan|

On Sun, 22 Sep 1996, Shawn Meze wrote:

> At 06:18 PM 9/19/96 -0700, you wrote:
> >I just did the Mod that everyone has been talking about in here. It took 
> >about 30 minutes max. I love it and if anyone hasn't done it yet I think 
> >your really missing out.
> >
> >I didn't even take the lenses off I just reached around the hatch and cut 
> >with an X-acto knife.
> I told you!! Why would you remove the lense to cut the hole?? 
> Shawn
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