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Lookie what I found on Wasserworks.... (My take)

First and foremost, I have NOTHING to do with the said transactions, or 
the current situation.  That being said:

I saw Julies post on Wasserworks regarding selling her car, and decided 
to post it to the list for posting sake, just to bring it to the 
attention of any interested parties.  I didn't intend to bring any sort 
of animosity, backlash or any other type of negative reaction towards 
Julie.  Julie, if I have caused an sort of hard feelings towards you, I 
do apologize, it certainly wasn't my intent.

When Allyn posted to the list the problems between "certain unnamed 
parties" originally, I followed the thread closely.  I knew who he was 
referring to, as I'm sure many of us did, but he kept in on the down 
low, not naming names, and I think that was a good move.  Julie was the 
first to call herself out publicly, to let us know what was going on, 
how she felt, and what she was doing about the situation, and I commend 
her for it.  That was a bold decision on her part, but she felt she was 
in the wrong, and decided to come clean to the list.  The thread died 
shortly thereafter, with some sort of private deal between her and Dave 
(and that deal should have been and should still be private, in my 
opinion).  I posted her For Sale page a few days ago, because I thought 
someone on the list may be interested.  I didn't know the extent of what 
had been paid, how much is/was owed, or if the matter had been settled 
quietly off list.  Allyn brought more details to light recently, and it 
seems the situation is still unresolved, and tensions between involved 
parties seem to be rather high.  I'm one of the most unopinionated 
people you're ever likely to meet, I'm very easy going, not much bothers 
me, but this is beginning to irk me a bit.  This list has been a cyber 
"garage away from home" for me for the past 7 years.  I've grown to 
admire and respect many people in this community, I've had a chance to 
meet a bunch of GREAT people, I've taken a ton of useful information 
from many knowledgeable people, and hopefully I've contributed and 
helped some of you out.  I plan to continue to own Sciroccos, I plan to 
stay subscribed to the list for as long as it holds out, and I plan to 
attend all the Cincys I can.  Arrangements like the one Julie and Dave 
have have the power to keep this list on track, to create and nurture 
personal relationships (person to person, instead of just words on a 
screen), or it can destroy them.  Not being involved, aside from afar 
and with secondhand information, it seems Julie is doing what she can to 
uphold her end of the deal, even going as far as posting TO THE LIST 
that she's sending Dave a money order in payment.  I've spent a lot of 
time with Dave, rooming with him and Allyn during the last 2 Cincys, 
hanging out with him, going for drives, sitting at Dairy Queen for hours 
chatting, bullshitting, talking about family and friends, and he's one 
of the nicest people I've ever met.  He never stops inviting me to his 
place, to meet his family, to have a South Carolina Cincy just to piss 
off his neighbors.  He has a garage full of Audi drive train I'll 
collect from him someday.  He's always got something nice to say about 
almost everyone (again, except his neighbors), and he has a bunch of 
REALLY cool cars (eat your heart out, Tonee).  I've met Julie a few 
times at Cincy, chatted with her a bit, she's always smiling, talking, 
socializing, but only when she's not under the hood of her car (or just 
plain UNDER it).  She's been a major contributor to the list, doing 
detailed web pages of restoration photos, welding tips and techniques, 
she has her daughter very involved, and she's more of a "car guy" then 
I'll ever be.  I'm sure we've all learned a few things from both of 
them.  That being said, posting the car for sale privately, without 
informing the list, seems a little underhanded, especially since the 
list was informed about the goings-on when they transpired.  If Julie 
needs to sell the car to settle with Dave, or if she's just sick of the 
car and the problems it's caused, she could (and should have, I think) 
let the list know.  That way we'd be able to see that some sort of 
resolution is being worked out, and if she caused any hard feelings 
towards any listers (Allyn in particular), she might have eased some 
tensions.  Whatever happens from here on out is really between Julie and 
Dave, but I hope that the dispute gets settled, debts are erased, and I 
REALLY hope Dave, Julie and Allyn can and will remain friends and 
colleagues, and that when everyone attends Cincy this year, there won't 
be any problems.  Life's too short to be pissed off, hold grudges, and 
make enemies.

Maybe I shoulda added "long" to my subject line.
