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This just in...

Insert OLDSCHOOL teletype noise--I used to repair those friggin dinosaurs.

Google has purchased YouTube.  I hope they allow "Spock's Crib" to
stay and the "Hey" video.  Video by: Hottie, Music by: Pixies

Also they have recently assimilated Writely.com.  Resistance is futile.

It's all a nefarious plot to take over the world.  Very similar to the
nefarious plot the ruskies hatched using robots to infiltrate the US
Navy to acquire the recipe for Navy Bean Soup.   I helped crack that
case.  Funny story.  'nother time.

Speaking of which I need to work on my goshdarned novella some more.
Which smacks of BSG lately.  Chopstix in the neck?  I did a pen in the
neck in my story a YEAR ago you plagerizing bastages.

I am serious about going back in the military.  I have this feeling
like I am waiting for something to happen like a frackin' meteor to
land on me or someone to run a red and smear me or... I don't know.

Frack.  I want to feel like I am making a difference.

I got a call from my brother today.  He wanted to pick my brain for a
way to get even with his boss.  Evidently the boss dumped an entire
container of nondairy powdered creamer in the vents of his van.  So
every time his fan is on it blows white powder everywhere and smells
pretty too.  (Um yea)

So I suggested he wire the brakelights of his boss's van to the horn.
Every time he hits the brakes it looks like he's laying on that
mofiggy.  Good fun to be had by all.

You can substitute the first prank with sardines...  a little nastier
but very effective with a heater in the winter.

Don' t try this at home kids.