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OT: Oil companies

Some thing that stuck in my head. Thay are making $1300 per SECOND here in the US.

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Kevin Collins [mailto:kevin@typ53b.net]
>Sent: Friday, July 28, 2006 08:55 PM
>To: 'Scirocco List'
>Subject: Re: OT: Oil companies
>Spewey wrote:
>> I'd like to hear anyone's stories about siphoning in the 70s. I was 
>> alive but not very old and I have heard that theft by siphoning was 
>> rampant in some areas. Did it happen where you were? Did locking 
>> gascaps mean thieves just punched a hole in the bottom? Did it happen 
>> because gas was expensive or unavailable?
>I was there! I got my license in July of '73. I forget exactly when 
>that first crisis was but I believe it was later that year.
>I was paying around 40-45c/gallon to fill my '69 Beetle when I started 
>driving. $2 worth of gas could keep me on the road for a week.
>When the crisis kicked in, we could buy gas on alternating days, based 
>on the last digit of your license plate number. Gas lines were hella 
>long, and the waits could be hours. People cutting in line were often 
>subject severe harrassment or worse. Prices skyrocketed (80c or 
>thereabouts I believe - a drastic jump percentage-wise).
>One night while bowling in a league, one of my buddies slipped out the 
>back door for a smoke. His car just happened to be parked very near the 
>door. A hose was siphoning gas into a 5-gallon can but the perp was not 
>spotted, he was probably watching from somewhere across the lot. My 
>buddy gained a nice gas can, the perp lost out. This kind of thing was 
>very common, and locking gas caps were suddenly all the rage.
>That made me feel nice and young.. NOT!!
>Chandler, AZ
>'86.5 Scirocco 16V 2.0
>'06 330i
>Scirocco-l mailing list