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Fw: Nevr-Dull

> Chris,
>  Time to show my own ignorance:
> I'm not sure if the stock teardrops were clearcoated.  My own '87 had 
> cheesy aftermarket wheels when I bought it.  I'm almost (keyword) sure 
> they WERE  clearcoated from the factory.
>  Nevr-Dull is not an abrasive-type polish, and will absolutely NOT reduce 
> curb rash.  It only works on non-ferrous surfaces that are already 
> polished, but are tarnished/dull.  It won't smooth out a rough surface.
>  I'm thinking that curb rash is a prime candidate for sandpaper of 
> increasingly-fine grits, then a polish like Simichrome, then Nevr-Dull as 
> a maintenance treatment.  ND is safe for all metals, this is true.
>  Don't you love FLAPS employees?  Put them in the store for three days and 
> they feel that they MUST know everything automotive...or else they 
> wouldn't be there.
> Good luck.
> Larry
> sandiego16v
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> Ok I am gonna risk showing some ignorance... ;)  More so than usual...
> The stock tear drops are clear coated?  I have an 87 16v.  There was a
> small area that was curb-rashed and I tried a little bit there.  It is
> supposedly safe for all metals.  Anyway it was dark by this point so I
> will have to see it tommorow to really see if it made a difference.
> They appear to me bare aluminum to me.
> Oh well I have one extra tear drop in case I jacked this one up.
> On a side note, I fixed about 10 small things that have been bugging
> me today and I polished the chrome tips on the R.  As usual the FLAPS
> people are idiots.  I went into one with a 55watt H3 foglight bulb and
> asked for a replacement for an aftermarket set of fogs.  He INSISTED
> on knowing what kind of car it was for, despite the fact that I kept
> repeating that they were after market.  I know I shouldn't argue with
> stupid people, as I have fears as to whether I myself have sunk to
> their stupidity by even trying to show them that they don't know what
> the hell they are talking about... but still I try.  Every time I
> repeated that it was aftermarket I said it a little louder.  And
> finally just under the level of full on screaming I told him that
> aftermarket meant that I added them LATER like 15+ years after the
> bloody thing was built.
> Somehow I don't think I am welcome back at that store.  I need to stop
> this I am running out of places to go.  LOL  I really mess them up
> when I go in to get stuff for the 85.  They really want me to believe
> that my car has an 8v motor.  So lately I just say it's an 88, unless
> I am doing brakes or something like that.
> It reminded me alot of the drunken sailor universal translation method
> that was often employed when I was overseas; it seems that after
> enough alcohol is consumed, no matter what country you are in, no
> matter what language the natives speak if you repeat yourself louder
> each time in slurred english, they will understand.  Eventually...
> And nobody can convince you otherwise.  LOL
> Chris