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Now OT - was Re: Lets talk about voltage.

> > > > You, my friend, have no idea of the beast
> you're teasing
> > > > here.....you've been warned. (Am I right
> guys?)

Indeed, I do.  I got ripped last week over it. 

FYI - two Canadian beers = 1/4 pint of my Legend's
Brown Ale, Porter, or IPA.  You heard it here first. 
The proof will be at Cincy.

Scirocco content: made my plane reservation for Indy
last night.  Going out on Friday the 18th and driving
back through Kentucky and West Virginia.  That should
be a great drive.  Odd thing - he lives in
Bloomington, about 80 miles from where the twister
terminated.  Egads...  Scirocco = OK!

ALSO, received my euro bumpers today and they were
more spanking and nice than I thought via the
pictures.  That's a nice surprise for a change. 

So, good day!


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