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24 days, what are you doing?

No brisket? NO BRISKET???!!!! Oh the humanity, the agony! Come on Chuck, with your souped up little rocket you should be able to bring 3x the weight of other years and still fly by everyone. Stick it in your pass. seat for 'weight balance.' 
Here's my list of things to do. It's scary.
1. Register/Insure car
2. Mount new tires (should come in wed.)
3. Work every day from now until the 31st
4. Hollow out cat
5. Clean out car to load with clothes/camping stuffs
6. Plan my route
Optional (ie. really should be done, but doesn't HAVE to be done)
7. Weld sliders to driver and pass. seats so I can see over the hood
8. Secure pass. seat to floor
9. Swap out Weber TB for normal one
10. Prepare car for 3k mi trip
Most of this would have been done awhile ago except we've had 2 weeks straight of rain. Today is the first nice day we've had, but of course I work from 9-5 on Sat. and Sun. Whee, let the scrambling begin!

Daun Yeagley <vwdaun@yahoo.com> wrote:
I will, when it's back together. (Annual inspection this
past week.) I should be able to start wrapping that up
over the weekend. And I can always fall back on the
Grumman or the Arrow if need be. :)

My stress level otherwise?? Not bad really. Cincy runs
itself pretty well. I still have to get the port-o-johns
scheduled (next week...) and that's about it. The cars
will hopefully all at least get washed and vacuumed. 
(Incidentily, I need a fuel distributor that hasn't been in
storage for long for a later 8v Scirocco if anyone could
source one. E-mail me directly please.) Chuck isn't
bringing brisket this year, so food will be different. 
(However, Brad will be in charge of the kitchen so it's
bound to still be a good feast.)

Now why did I schedule to host a Cincy-like fly-in the
weekend after Cincy.....

Daun Yeagley - Wilmington Ohio
'81 Scirocco S '85 Scirocco 8v
'86 Scirocco 8v '88 Scirocco 16v
'88 Scirocco Slegato *coming soon*
'96 Passat GLX Wagon '56 Cessna 172
The first rule of intelligent tinkering is to save all the parts - Ehrlich's Law.

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