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Novenmber 1998 - Scirocco Org List Archive

Come one, come all, review our glorious history, gather round, gather 
round and marvel at the Titans of Yesteryear:


Posts by Christopher Mende, I.Mannix, Shawn C Meze, Kevin Collins, Night 
Shadow, ken r weidmann jr., Alex Ting, even (Kathy) Teulie. (yeah, 
kathy, right.) & the Potters to name a few.

Most of dem dere guys aint on the list no-mer.

Posts like: "List is moving", "Beer and Stuff", "New Mk1 Kamei Airdams", 
"Clear Lenses for Mk1s", "I HATE my woodgrain", "This is serious, we 
could make you delirious...", "It's Raining in my car HELP". Ah- I could 
go on and on. 8])

Given a spare moment, drop by the archives and just pick a time at 
random to review. Lots o' good stuff.


the Poster formally known as tberk16 at aol dot com.