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[SPAM] Re: What do you want in an aftermarket ECU

OK...my advice, remember this is a design project, not necessarily a marketable item - follow your
own advice and *narrow it down* to what you can realistically accomplish well.

-go to msefi.com and absorb everthing you can.  Download all the apps (they're free and open
-ECUs can control fuel or fuel+ignition.  Choose one.
-Limit the types of engines (even # cyls, forced induction or not, even fire only, etc.) and fuels
(pump gas only)
-Power and economy can be achieved on the same map.  8x8 is OK, 10x10 or 12x12 is better but not
overwhelmingly so.
-If ignition, the perfect system would have onboard knock sensing
-Fuel should use narrrow or wideband o2 sensors.
-User-friendly, high-graphics software is a MUST.  It must be able to convey the feedback while a
driver is watching.  Ask me how I know.
-Decide on high- or low-impedance injectors (high are easier)
-self-tuning would be WONDERFUL.  Download MSTweak3000 and see what it does - it's not self tuning
but it's the best Megasquirt has right now.
-Price?  Cheap!  Below $500 for a full implementation, like Megasquirt.

HTH a little, 


--- Brad Boston <bwb24@drexel.edu> wrote:

> Ok, I will put it out to you all...
> What do you want in an aftermarket ECU?
> What inputs?
> What price?  (Realistically)
> What kind of control?  (Multiple fuel maps, one for power, one for
> economy)
> Better self tuning?
> I have a vague idea what I want to do for my senior design engineering
> project and I even have a professor that will pay for anything that I
> can justify.  I have some people that will help me but we need to narrow
> it down.  So, what would your perfect ECU be?  What problems could I
> fix?  What should I stay away from?
> Brad

Cheapass Ron
"Victor Jr." - '81 Scirocco S 7SM
2.0L 16V w/ Megasquirt, Quaifed GL 4-speed
It's Alive!!!

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