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Scirocco Sighting (Clearwater FL)

--- Nick Grivas <flashsilvermetallic@hotmail.com> wrote:
> I just saw a fairly dirty white 16v in GA right where 78
> ends near 285.  I 
> doubt its anyone on the list due to its dirtiness, I've
> seen ya'lls clean 
> cars.  Worth a shot, I'm just frustrated I couldnt catch
> up.  So rare to see 
> another scirocco in Atlanta.

While on the subject, I caught sight of a cleanish-looking
Mk 2 8v out near the beach in Clearwater this morning. 
It's soooo rare I see another, 'twas kinda cool.  The rest
of the crew in the Toyota musta thought I was nuts

Daun Yeagley - Wilmington Ohio
'81 S, '85, '86 & '88 Sciroccos, '96 Passat GLX Wagon, '56 Cessna 172
For Sale: '90 Passat Wagon, '82 Scirocco.
"My rabbit has a human foot on his keychain.  That's not the scary part.  What I wanna know is what those keys are for." - The Four Postmen

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