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some people just piss me off (centra wheels)

1. i didnt take this off list. it was posted to both you and the list (like 
every other post).
2. i referenced meze because you referenced meze. i was trying to do it in 
jest, making light of the situation. i dont want or need any sort of brownie 
points. i've met many of these folks in person for several years in a row 
now, and we have friendships that extend well beyond the list. i simply have 
no need to 'look good' on the mailing list.
3. you talk to me like i'm some student at a university. you continue wave 
your 'im a teacher' thing around like its a flag or something. apparently, 
in your 4+ years of lurking, you've totally missed that i teach nuclear 
electronics for the navy. when i come across students with anything even 
close to your attitude, i send them down the hall with their tail between 
their legs.
4. i flat out said i was wrong a few posts ago. just what does it take to 
satisfy you?
5. you send me an email that you would not dare cross post to the list, and 
sumultaneously place me on your block list, preventing my reply. what a 
6. really, do you have any memory at all? you're totally bashing on me - 
even after i've apologized. you continue to go at me despite the fact that 
i've helped you out in the past (you've grabbed the etka torrent - which i 
foxx provided and i was hosting).
7. i am cc'ing this to the list - just in case you truly did put me on your 
block list, and also because i believe they need to know just how shitty of 
a person you really are.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "tedikgb" <tedikgb@gmail.com>
To: "Allyn" <amalventano@sc.rr.com>
Sent: Monday, August 30, 2004 2:00 AM
Subject: Re: some people just piss me off (centra wheels)

> what the hell are you talkin about bringin meze into this?  you just
> dont get it do you?  your like those guys in high school and
> univeristy i would tutor that no matter how i explained it, drew it
> out, mocked it up, dummied it up, just wouldn't get it.  just unable
> to wrap their mind around something by stepping out of their own
> little world and takin a look from another window.  the fact that you
> know meze means nothing...congrats.  does it make you feel better that
> i dont even know meze personally?  thats got about as much cloat as
> you knowing him.  who cares.  you've now takin a 'discussion' which
> you proceeded to call a flame war (trust me, if i was flaming you you
> would know it) about you not getting some wheels, into an off list
> discussion telling me your friends with shawn meze, cause you some how
> think it is relevent.  listen im done beating me head into the wall
> with you.  lose my email address...and ill lose the lists.  its done.
> i wont post anymore...im sorry i disturbed your world and gave you the
> opportunity to open your eyes about you being an ass.  and im glad you
> did see you were off base with the whole wheel thing, but im pretty
> sure you just said that to try and make yourself look like a 'good
> guy' because apparently you care about what others think about you...i
> dont.  you are now on my block list so dont bother replying and trust
> me, this is the last you will hear from me.  my second response would
> have been the last as i said i was done, no hard feelings, but you
> just haaaaad to reply with some stoopid shyt that makes no
> sense...much like this last email from you.
> good bye allyn...have a good one and i hope you find your wheels.  and
> i actually mean that.
> jody