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getting screwed over on Ebay, what should I do?

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Hey all, I bought two pairs of VW seat track bushing sets from a guy called Duckymex, he had 340 positives and 7 negatives for feedback.  I sent him a money order(for $13), and he replied thanking me, though he hadn't received payment yet.  I haven't heard from him since, and have tried to contact him.  Today while on Ebay I noticed the seat-track bushings for sale again, this time from an Ebayer with a different name, and 0 feedback.  In his feedback section it says he has been an active ebayer since Oct. 4th(yesterday).  In checking on Duckymex's feedback, it says he is no longer a registered user.  So I can't even leave him negative feedback!  What, if anything, should I do?  It's only $13 I know but this pisses me off-


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<P>Hey all, I bought two pairs of VW seat track bushing sets from a guy called Duckymex, he had 340 positives and 7 negatives for feedback.&nbsp; I sent him a money order(for $13), and he replied thanking me, though he hadn't received payment yet.&nbsp; I haven't heard from him since, and have tried to contact him.&nbsp; Today while on Ebay I noticed the seat-track bushings for sale again, this time from an Ebayer with a different name, and 0 feedback.&nbsp; In his feedback section it says he&nbsp;has been an active ebayer since Oct. 4th(yesterday).&nbsp; In checking on Duckymex's feedback, it says he is no longer a registered user.&nbsp; So I can't even&nbsp;leave him negative feedback!&nbsp; What, if anything, should I do?&nbsp; It's only $13 I know but this pisses me off-</P>
<P>Rob</P><p><br><hr size=1>Do you Yahoo!?<br>
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