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[Old Memories of first cars]

"Julie Macfarlane" <juliemac57@hotmail.com> wrote:
My daughter found a box of old slides and pics I took over the last 20 ye=
ars =

hidden under the bed.
Amid squeels of laughter about how Mommy looked back then, she discovered=

some gems.... My first VW, a 69 bug, orange and yellow boby panels. The '=
71 =

bus that would take the motor from the bug during the summer, then give i=
t =

back for the winter. The fire that destroyed the bus (BOOO HOOO).
My first Rocc! White with a black vinyl interior and it HAD HEAT!
Ahhhh. Fond memories.... If I can do it I'll post them after I wipe the =

tears away....   :)


 Have to confess, I was pausing over the carcass of a 74 Trans Am at the
wrecker's today, poor thing, roof cut off, nothing but metal and wires le=
scrap price is up. In between my first (the white '70) and second (the re=
'77) cars, and an unexpected find for sure.

Rocco content. Yard #1, the scrounging season is upon us, two raped rabbi=
two fairly decent Foxes and a bunch of A2 Jettas ( one died with 555,000 =
on the clock, a good life). Pretty slim pickings, but hopefully better th=
await in the other yards. LMK if you need anything that could be mailed!