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In case you missed this email from John was:(no subject)

(This is a repost, not from ME.  HTML removed.)

Okay To Everyone I am sorry this is my first day on the list, Didn't
really want to meet fellow Scirocco owners like this, It's 5am here not
been to bed yet for sending emails to everyone saying sorry.and I think
most of you will be sick already of me and my site.Larry, Brett
(Scirocco.org) Greg (DriversFound) and Dirk and everyone else I'M SORRY.
I have truely had enough of the site myself now. Yesterday I couldn't
wait to show Scirocco Owners all their car united in one place, no
matter the condition age of pics nothing to me mattered apart from
having a cool site, Yes Dirk it was a little disorganised, but Like I
said the site only opened 01-2002, I'm no computer wizard, Only been
used to the net the last six months, and just wanted it opened up so I
could show the world mine and everyone else Veedubs, I thought it would
be like an Art Gallery... (Pics) you don't go to an Art Gallery to read
your newspaper, My site wasn't aimed at that sort of people,
Individuality and all that...I don't have a fancy bank account and the
Site was free.... My car was done on a cheap budget, Not all of us can
afford Zender, Rieger and Convertable Sciroccos, Sadly It's looks like
I'm evicted from the Big Brother House....Brett I have a copy of two
emails regardinng pics of my car sent to you and one you returned saying
you were putting the car on the Scirocco.org Site, Okay My Car never got
onto it but hey I didn't kick off, because to me all Scirocco's are
Nice, I chase one down the street if i see one just to have a look,

I'll be off soon as i think I should un-subsrcibe after today but again
Please, Please, Please except my apologises

Not bad for my First Day.....

Depressed and Doomed John
VWPowered and Proud
The Scirocco Drivers Site

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