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CIS-E euro ignition map?

>From: "T. Reed" <treed2@u.washington.edu>

> > iirc, this is only true for 8v (pre-1986?) cars.  they used this map in 
> > early audis, and then started using it for all dubs also.  info is in
> > raven's book i believe. toby, have you actually checked how far your 
> > advances at throttle? there's a procedure in bentley...
> > -m
>I looked through the Bentley but it seems you need an adjustable timing
>light (I just have a standard Sears inductive-pickup timing light) in
>order to check the actual advance.
>Is there any way to see if the knock sensor is causing the timing to

yeah, but as you said, i don't know how w/o an adjustable light.  you need 
to see what the total advance is under throttle. iirc, it's part throttle at 
~3k rpms should corrospond to x degrees of advance (~30ish). if it's less 
than that, something's wrong. have you checked out your knock box fault 
memory yet? this might also save some headaches. pretty limited fault codes, 
but if something is really wrong with the box, it should show up there.  but 
get an adjustable light and check your total advance if that's what you 
think the problem is (you can always return the light).

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